Monday, December 10, 2007

stop.. enjoy it

im gonna stop the time
and look at what i have around me
i wont worry about calendars
days, hours
how many times have you taken a minute to
look at your moms face to tell her how much you love her?
how many times have you thanked your dad for all the sacrificies he has made for you and your family
have you taken a minute to look around you and your enviroment
have you watched grandma cooking
grandpa reading and laughing of simple politic jokes
have you turned around to see the beggar and feed him
have you say you are welcome every time somebody thanked you
or have you God-blessed somebody in class after he sneezed
look at you, look around you
how many time have you said you are sorry without meaning it
have you stopped the time one full moon night to enjoy then moon just by watching it
do you think you are alive because they say you are breathing
or cuz you value every hour minute second of your life
have you ever danced alone and outside when there is pouring rain
have you looked at your brothers and sister to recognize any resemblance between you and them
have you written a letter to explain the feelings you cannot tell loud
have you worn a costume in a regular day and smile
have you ever helped someone without any expectancy
have you talked to yourself in front of the mirror and loud
have you tried to count the beuty marks on your beloved ones face
how many times have you made someone sing along with you
how you wished a good day to your teacher, bus driver, corner shop server, old lady neighboor
next time take your time
when having a coffee or chewing gum
look at someones face next to you
and say something nice you really think of him/her
close your eyer, have a deep sigh
and think of all the wonderful things you have been through that made you be you
dont go crazy about time
dont think its too late to do something or change something you have been planning to do
if you can still breath
if you can still feel the wind brushing your face
you are on time
have you ever prayed closing your eyes in front of more people and with your fingers entwined
count the times you have laughed so hard that made someone else smile

if you have failed to most of these questions
are you still thinking you are alive?
have a great day :-D

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